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Science Fiction Books Stories

Since the publication of the first-ever sci-fi book—arguably Mary Shelley’s 1818 novel Frankenstein—the genre has been in constant dialogue with our present. Sci-fi books encourage readers to envision new realities, and often prove prescient, both in imagining tech that eventually becomes real, and predicting events that come to pass.

The breadth of the genre can make it seem intimidating to new readers, but we recommend 50 of the best sci-fi novels ever to start your reading voyage. Or, you can explore sci-fi’s eras in chronological order, from the early classics by authors such as Jules Verne and H.G Wells and the so-called Golden Age of Sci-Fi, to the New Wave, to more recent must-reads from the past few decades. 

Alternatively, it’s possible to break your sci-fi book exploration down into subgenres. Do you prefer interstellar epics with drama on a galactic scale? Consider space opera. Do you want your stories to be grounded in reality and natural sciences? Then hard sci-fi is probably for you.

Or perhaps you’re a veteran sci-fi reader whose shelves are heavy with staples of the genre. In that case, The Portalist recommends hidden gems and underrated books to complete your collection. 

Regardless of where you are on your sci-fi reading journey, The Portalist’s sci-fi book stories can guide you on your voyage among the stars 


7 Thrilling Tetralogies in Science Fiction and Fantasy

These quartets and tetralogies offer compelling storylines and character relationships.

Our Favorite Sci-Fi/Fantasy Battle Royales and Competitions

These characters are forced to compete in brutal contests, often to the death.

11 Sci-Fi Mysteries Like Leviathan Wakes

Is there anything better than unraveling a mystery inside an epic setting with characters you can’t help but love? We don’t think so. 

13 Science Fiction Books Written by Actual Scientists

These authors know how to "science the s***" out of fiction. 

17 Must-Read Philip K. Dick Books That Sci-Fi Fans Can't Miss

Explore shocking dystopian universes in Dick’s powerful novels.

6 Summer Reads of Space Exploration

Enjoy the cool vacuum of space with the warmth of a poolside view.

INTERVIEW: Pierce Brown on Writing a Bestselling Sci-Fi/Fantasy Series

Bestselling author Pierce Brown's latest book, Light Bringer, is available July 25. 

9 Sci-Fi Stories About Artificial Intelligence

These books offer reminders about the potential—and perils—of artificial intelligence.

Must-Read Indian Fantasy and Science Fiction Books

Diversify your SFF reading list with these fun, quirky and thought-provoking titles by Indian authors.

10 Great Books for New Sci-Fi/Fantasy Readers

These 10 books can help turn sci-fi/fantasy skeptics into devoted fans.

6 Kurt Vonnegut Classics That Define Speculative Fiction

Vonnegut's works might be literary marvels, but they also helped to shape science fiction as we know it.

Your Favorite Sci-Fi Author's Favorite Sci-Fi Book

This list features book recommendations from bestselling science fiction authors like Pierce Brown, Liu Cixin, and John Scalzi.

Slow-Burn Romances in Science Fiction and Fantasy

These speculative love stories will set your heart racing. 

9 Captivating Science Fiction and Fantasy Beach Reads

Try these sci-fi and fantasy books while you enjoy some sun at the pool or the beach.

Sci-Fi and Fantasy Books You Should Read Based on Your Favorite Hobbit

We think these nine hobbits (and Harfoots) would sign off on some classic science fiction and fantasy novels.

Science Fiction Comedies Like The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams

These great science fiction books feature funny yet poignant adventures, set in galaxies far, far away.

11 Great Manga Featuring Gods and Classic Myths

From traditional Japanese mythology to classic Greco-Roman pantheons, these manga series put a new spin on ancient gods and legendary stories.

How to Ask for Feedback on Your SFF Novel

Early readers are essential for improving your novel and making it the best story it can be. Here's how you can ask for feedback ... and what you should do once you get it.

22 Military Sci-Fi Books Set in a Galaxy Far, Far Away

Out-of-this-world stories of destruction, bravery, and hope.